The Benefits Of Our PrayerNet Call
What if Christian men of Atlanta could cast a net over the marketplace and reap a harvest of souls? We know that nothing happens without prayer. We invite you to partner with multiple churches and ministries in the Marketplace Ambassador PrayerNet Call. Why join us for prayer? • Cultivate a spirit of unity in the body of Christ throughout Metro Atlanta. • Receive daily encouragement from our ten-minute devotional message. • Pray together with other men for transformation in the Marketplace. • Build authentic relationships with men of faith who are committed to being the priest of their homes. • Join in the power of agreement for needs in your life, business, and ministry. • Be inspired as you hear other men pouring out their hearts to the Father God. • Build your faith for miracles and favor in the marketplace. • Breakthrough barriers of isolation, no need to do it alone. • Grow your faith as you hear the Word of God through our devotional message and powerful word-based prayers. • Cultivate a daily habit of seeking first the Kingdom in your spiritual journey. Send your prayer request to Join us for prayer Monday-Friday 6:30 AM - 7:00 AM Call-in #: 515-739-1418 Access Code: 671209